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Unlock Productivity With Project Pal AI

by Your Side

The Digital Copilot for Project Management Professionals

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What is Project Pal AI?

Project Pal AI is a digital co-pilot for project management professionals.

Project Pal AI is a project management tool that improves the quality and consistency of communications and reporting for project management professionals while providing a significant productivity saving. In addition, we improve the chances of project success and also improve the well-being and job satisfaction for project managers.

We use AI, including Large Language Models, to leverage your existing project data to generate new content. Project Pal AI sits on top of the most common applications used by project managers and extracts the relevant data. 

Launching Q2 2024


Use it in a conversational mode, just as we would with a chatbot or Chat GPT. You can ask the chatbot questions about your project so you are better informed and prepared


Generate new content, e.g., generate the text to include in an email update to the project sponsor. 


Generate reports, e.g., a draft of a steering committee deck for the current period.


A Project Management Institute (PMI) study found that 55% of project managers recognise effective communication with all stakeholders as the most critical factor for project success. Yet, achieving this can still be challenging as they often face competing priorities, sometimes manage multiple concurrent projects, and the required data usually sits in numerous applications.

Built by project professionals for project professionals

Our leadership team has deep expertise in project management, artificial intelligence and organisational change management.

Augment, not Replace

Project Pal AI is intended to augment your abilities as a project manager and not replace you.

Project Success and Job Satisfaction

As the quality and consistency of communications on our projects increase, so will the chances of achieving a successful outcome for each project. Job satisfaction and well-being will improve as project managers receive more favourable feedback from their stakeholders and managers on their communications. In addition, the tool will free up time for project managers to focus on other activities, e.g. mentoring, developing team members, networking and building relationships with the organisation.

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